Bridge Multimedia celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) with an amazing podcast series titled “STEM Workforce Stories.” These eight first-ever accessible video podcasts feature Deaf or Hard of Hearing STEM workforce members who discuss their personal roads to professional achievement. This series, with captioning and ASL interpretation, was created to encourage students with sensory impairments to explore career options in STEM-related fields. Bridge and our long-time partners TERC produced the series with funding from the National Science Foundation. STEM Workforce Stories is available on the TERC website and Bridge is disseminating a short video “highlights reel” about the podcast, during NDEAM.
NDEAM is an annual campaign spearheaded by US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). According to Bridge CEO, Matt Kaplowitz:
“STEM Workforce Stories aligns perfectly with the goals of NDEAM, which include providing understanding, encouragement, and opportunities to help people with disabilities attain productive and fulfilling careers. Bridge is thrilled that our new highlights reel will spread the word about this STEM-themed video series specifically directed towards Deaf and Hard of Hearing middle school and high school students.”
STEM Workforce Stories features numerous Deaf or Hard of Hearing STEM professionals, including a microbiologist, a geologist, a nurse practitioner, a UX/UI designer, a pharmacologist, a water quality analyst, and more.