Cyberchase: Echo Explorers, the OSEP-funded accessible video game that Bridge Multimedia produced with WNET and FableVision Studios, in association with PBS KIDS, has been honored with the 2021 “Best Online/Video Game for Kids” award from Cynopsis Media. Each year, the Cynopsis Best-of-the-Best Awards recognize innovation and excellence in children’s broadcast and multimedia content and production. It’s tremendously exciting for Bridge Multimedia, as we continue our accessible gaming initiative.
In 2018, the U.S. Department, of Education Office of Special Education Programs (“ED/OSEP”) provided funds that started Bridge on this trajectory. We partnered with WNET to make their online video game, Cyberchase: Railway Hero, accessible to children with physical and cognitive disabilities. Our template gave game developers the map to build accessibility into games from the ground up. With Echo Explorers, new customizable accessibility features were added, including switch access.
ED/OSEP’s support for educational gaming continues to send ripples through the industry as Bridge and partners are currently in the planning stages to develop the third Cyberchase fully accessible videogame. Stay tuned for more details!