Biosensor Prediction of Aggression in Youth with Autism
Matthew Goodwin, PhD
PreK-12 teachers, administrators, parents
Dr. Goodwin, Professor of Biomedical Informatics with Harvard Medical School, discusses how aggressive behavior can isolate youth with autism from foundational, educational, social and familial activities. Also, studies seeking methods of initiating de-escalation or emotion regulation before aggression occurs.
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AFB: Access and Engagement to Education During COVID-19
L. Penny Rosenblum, PhD, American Foundation for the Blind
Name of Investment
Educational Technology, TV & Media Access, H327C 15007, 008
PreK-12 teachers, administrators, parents
Dr. Rosenblum discusses her current research: Access and Engagement to Education for Students with Visual Impairments During COVID 19. Topics include: what trends are developing in the COVID era? How is education being delivered to our students? What are the challenges?
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