O&M Skills and Concepts
What O&M Skills and Concepts are in the Songs?
There are numerous lists of the O&M skills and concepts that young children need to learn. The following list contains the skills and concepts included in the songs in this project. It is not a complete list.
O&M Skills and Concepts Included in This Project
NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list of O&M skills and concepts for young children but only the skills and concepts included in the songs of this project.
I. Positional Concepts:
- In
- On
- Under
- Behind
- Beside
- Between
Note: Each concept can be taught in relation to (1) my body, (2) objects with my body, and (3) objects with each other.
II. Sensory skills:
- Sounds
- loud vs soft
- near vs far
- approaching sounds vs retreating sounds
- Tactile input from hands and feet
III. Movement skills:
- Bending
- Twisting
- Turning
- Size of steps
- Grip
- Stretch
- Swing
- Clap
- Wrist back and forth
- Hopping: forwards, backward, one foot, both
IV. Cognitive concepts
- Towards or away
- Getting closer or going further
- Big room/little room
- Floor surfaces, such as (a) carpet, (b) wood, (c) metal
- Following instructions to perform motor skills
V. Body parts
- facial features: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, chin, top of head
- large body parts: arms, legs, chest, back, feet, hands
- small body parts: wrists, elbows, waist, knees, ankles, necks