Join us for Catherine Russell Sings in Barcelona, Virtually, at a special combined event presented by the Advanced Research Seminar on Audio Description (ARSAD) and Media for All 9, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 7:00 PM (CET).
Partnerships and collaborations are opening doors to better meet the needs of schools.
On January 6th Bridge Multimedia released its Disability Mapping Guide for Children’s Digital Game Producers – 4th Edition. The Guide maps the 9 categories of disabilities, as identified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
As we enter 2021, the Bridge Team looks forward to continued growth. The U.S. Department of Education has extended our Tech Access grant, allowing us to continue providing curriculum-aligned audio description for hundreds of educational children’s television programs.
Bridge Multimedia, WNET, and the U.S. Department of Education, have partnered again to create a new Cyberchase video game called Echo Explorers. It is available to play, for free, on the PBS KIDS website. It can also be played on tablets and mobile devices. Echo Explorers is “Born Accessible,” which means it was specifically designed to incorporate accessibility features for children with physical and cognitive impairments.
“Won’t You Sing Along with Me?” was specially prepared to help young children understand the COVID-19 crisis. Bridge Multimedia was proud to provide audio description for this special, now available for children with disabilities through DCMP’s Accessible Television Portal.
Deaf interpreters provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and translation, transliteration, and numerous different tactile and visual forms of communication for consumers who are Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and Deafblind.
Bridge Multimedia is thrilled to bring accessibility to Spanish language viewers across the U.S. for Telemundo’s 3-hour block of family-friendly programming – Mi Telemundo — premiering this Saturday, October 3rd.
Bridge CEO, Matt Kaplowitz, was honored to receive the American Council for the Blind’s (ACB’s) prestigious Barry Levine Memorial Award for Career Achievement in Audio Description. According to the ACB, this award “recognizes an individual for outstanding contributions to the field of audio description over an extended period of time, leading, inspiring or providing significant service to others.”
Bridge Multimedia is proud to provide audio description for 22 Emmy nominated, and 3 Emmy Award winning programs – in part, through funding by the United States Department of Education. Download PDF