How Many Hands?
How many hands? Two hands. One hand, two hands, CLAP, CLAP
How many fists? Two fists. One fist, two fists, SQUEEZE, SQUEEZE
How many elbows? Two elbows. One elbow, two elbows, SHAKE, SHAKE
How many arms? Two arms. One arm, two arms, STRETCH, STRETCH
How many knees? Two knees. One knee, two knees, BEND, BEND
How many feet? Two feet. One foot, two feet, STAMP, STAMP
How many eyes? Two eyes. One eye, two eyes, BLINK, BLINK
How many lips? Two lips. One lip, two lips, SMI-LE!
Two hands. (clap, clap)
Two fists. (squeeze, squeeze)
Two elbows. (shake, shake)
Two arms. (stretch, stretch)
Two knees. (bend, bend)
Two feet. (stamp, stamp)
Two eyes. (blink, blink)
Two lips. (smi-le)
You’re too, too cool!
Note 1. Words in italics are spoken and acted out.
Note 2. Initially sing the song sitting down. As the student’s skill improves, sing standing.