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Somebody's Jumping on the Floor:
Incorporating Music into O&M for Preschoolers with Visual Impairments.
JVIB October, 2011
Song List
Song List I | Song List II | Song List III - VI
Song List I.
Popular Public Domain Melodies, Children’s Songs:
- ABC's Alphabet Song (with lyrics)
- Alice the Camel (or Sally the Camel) (with lyrics)
- All the Little Raindrops (with lyrics)
- Alouette (with lyrics)
- Animal Fair (with lyrics)
- Ants Go Marching (with lyrics and "ant" links)
- A-Tisket A-Tasket (with lyrics)
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (with lyrics)
- (The) Bear in Tennis Shoes (lyrics only)
- (The) Bear Went Over the Mountain (with lyrics)
- Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends (with lyrics)
- Bicycle Built for Two (Daisy Bell)
- Big Bass Drum
- Big Rock Candy Mountain (with lyrics)
- Billy Boy (with lyrics)
- B - I - N - G - O (with lyrics)
- Blow the Man Down (with lyrics)
- Boom Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy (lyrics and short wav clip)
- Brahm's Lullaby (with lyrics)
- Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight (with lyrics)
- Catalina Madalina (lyrics only)
- Christofo Columbo (Christopher Columbus) (with lyrics)
- Clementine (Oh My Darlin' Clementine) (with lyrics)
- Daisy Bell (or Bicycle Built for Two, with lyrics)
- Did You Ever See a Lassie?
- Don't Disturb the Ladybug (lyrics only)
- Down by the Station (with lyrics)
- Down in the Valley (with lyrics)
- Do Your Ears Hang Low? (with lyrics)
- Eentsy Weentsy Spider
- (The) Farmer in the Dell (with lyrics)
- Five Little Ducks (lyrics only)
- Frère Jacques (with lyrics)
- Frog Went A-Courtin' (with lyrics)
- Funiculi Funicula (with lyrics)
- Good Morning to You (lyrics only)
- Going on a Lion Hunt (lyrics only)
- (My) Grandfather's Clock (with lyrics)
- (The) Green Grass Grew All Around (with lyrics)
- Hammer Song, The
- Hand on My Head (What Have I Here?) (lyrics only)
- Happy & You Know It, Clap Your Hands (with lyrics)
- Have You Seen the Muffin Man?
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (with lyrics)
- Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush
- Hey Diddle Diddle (with lyrics)
- Hickory Dickory Dock (with lyrics)
- Hokey Pokey (with lyrics)
- Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight (or Old Mother Leary, with lyrics)
- Humpty Dumpty (with lyrics)
- Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry (with lyrics)
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- I Hear Thunder (with lyrics and special links)
- I Love You, You Love Me (with lyrics)
- If All the Raindrops (lyrics only)
- If You're Wearing [red, yellow, etc.] (with lyrics)
- I'm a Little Teapot (with lyrics)
- I'm A Nut (with lyrics)
- In a Cabin in the Woods (lyrics only)
- Inchworm (with lyrics)
- Irish Lullaby (Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral) (with lyrics)
- It's Raining, It's Pouring (with lyrics)
- Itsy Bitsy (or Eensy Weensy) Spider (with lyrics)
- I've Been Working on the Railroad (with lyrics)
- Jack and Jill (with lyrics)
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (with lyrics)
- Listen to the Mockingbird
- Little Brown Jug (with lyrics and important links)
- Little Tin Soldier (with lyrics and .ram file)
- (The) Littlest Worm (Echo Song) (with lyrics)
- London Bridge (with lyrics)
- Loop de Loop (or Looby Loo) (with lyrics)
- Make New Friends (but Keep the Old) (lyrics only)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (with lyrics)
- Making Mud Pies
- Michael Finnegan (with lyrics)
- Miss Molly (lyrics only)
- (The) More We get Together (with lyrics)
- Mother Goose
- Muffin Man, The
- Mulberry Bush (Here we go round the....with lyrics)
- My Grandfather’s Clock
- My Pony Boy (lyrics only)
- Oh Suzanna (with lyrics)
- Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone (with lyrics)
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm (with lyrics)
- Old Mother Leary (or "Mrs. O'Leary's Cow", with lyrics)
- On Top of Old Smokey (or “On Top of Spagetti”, with lyrics)
- Over in the Meadow (with lyrics)
- Over the River (Thanksgiving Day) (with lyrics)
- Paw Paw Patch (with lyrics)
- Playmate, Come Out and Play with Me (with lyrics)
- Polly Put the Kettle On (with lyrics)
- Polly Wolly Doodle (with lyrics)
- Pony Boy (with lyrics)
- Pop Goes the Weasel (with lyrics)
- Pretty Colors (with lyrics)
- Pussycat, Pussycat (with lyrics)
- Queen of the Mountain (lyrics only)
- Ragtime Cowboy Joe (with lyrics)
- Red River Valley (with lyrics)
- Rig a Jig Jig
- Ring Around the Rosies (with lyrics)
- Robert Baden-Powell Had Many Scouts --? or Father Abraham had many sons (with lyrics)
- Rock-A-Bye Baby (with lyrics)
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat (with lyrics)
- Sailing, Sailing (lyrics only)
- Sailor’s Hornpipe
- Sally (or Alice) the Camel (with lyrics)
- School Days, School Days (with lyrics)
- See-Saw, Margery Daw (with lyrics)
- Senor Don Gato
- She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain (with lyrics)
- Shoo Fly (with lyrics)
- Short'nin' Bread (with lyrics)
- Sidewalks of New York (with lyrics)
- Sing a Rainbow (with lyrics)
- Sing a Song of Sixpence (with lyrics)
- Sing Your Way Home (with lyrics)
- Sippin' Cider Through a Straw (Echo Song) (with lyrics)
- Six Little Dogs (with lyrics)
- Six Little Ducks (with lyrics)
- Skidamarick
- Skip to My Lou (with lyrics)
- (The) Smile Song (lyrics only)
- Smokey the Bear (with lyrics)
- Soup Song (with lyrics)
- Take Me Out to the Ballgame (with lyrics)
- Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed (lyrics only)
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly (with lyrics)
- There's a Hole in the Middle of the Sea (with lyrics)
- This Old Man (with lyrics)
- Three Blind Mice (with lyrics)
- Three Little Fishies (with lyrics)
- Three Little Fishies (also “Itty Bitty Pool” and “Ten Fat Peas”)
- Thumbelina (lyrics only)
- Tisket A-Tasket (with lyrics)
- Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (Irish Lullaby) (with lyrics)
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (with lyrics)
- Vowel Song (also “B-I-N-G-O”, with lyrics)
- Walking Song (with moves and lyrics)
- Waltzing Matilda (with lyrics)
- Way Out West in Kansas (with lyrics)
- What's the Weather? (with special links and lyrics)
- Wheels on the Bus (with lyrics)
- Where is Thumbkin (with lyrics)
- Who is Wearing [Red..or other color] (or “The Famer in the Dell”, with lyrics)
- Whole World in His Hands
- Why Does The Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) (with lyrics)
- Wiggly Worm (with lyrics)
- Worms (or "Nobody Likes Me", with lyrics)
- Yankee Doodle (with lyrics)
- You Are My Sunshine (with lyrics and special links)
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